It all starts with a dream
I wake up every day with the illusion of working to build a society of people who feel happier, freer and more satisfied with their lives because they find in their homes a connection and harmony that favors and enhances their well-being. And who value and understand that designing their spaces not only brings them new sensations inside their home, but also encourages them to be the best version of themselves and to fight for their dreams.
I envision a society that is aware that the best home begins and ends with oneself, and that buying and designing with purpose not only has an impact on an individual level, but also on a collective level and, of course, on our planet.
"Choose a job you are passionate about, and you will never have to work a day in your life".
- Confucius.
I grew up in a small town in the city of Guadalajara (Spain), although to date I have lived in 3 houses, 5 student rooms and 5 rented apartments. Besides my houses, what has defined me most as a person has been my parents.
My mother was born in La Coruña and studied tourism, and since she was a little girl she has been a great fighter, a lover of gastronomy and passionate about decoration. She has been the one who has shown me the most the capacity we have to transform anything. Her love for cooking, family moments, her creativity and her generosity have been my foundation.
My father graduated from college with a degree in Economics, although his dream profession has always been Architecture. He is a lover of travel, rock music and Egyptian culture. And his professionalism, his organization and his neatness to do anything I set my mind to, as well as his sensitivity, serenity and empathy to deal with people, have impressed me.
However, it didn’t work out between them, and that meant that I had to grow up very quickly from a young age.


Since then, a lot of time has passed, several projects, several moves of countries and cities, trainings, jobs and people.
After graduating from the School of Architecture, and thanks to my four languages, I worked as a Project Manager at national and international level for companies and brands such as Inditex, TJC, TheClassYoga, Bobbi Brown, Shiseido, Clinique, La Mer, Jo Malone or Calvin Klein, among many others.
But thanks to the pandemic, and a lot of accumulated stress, I realized that this was not my path. I took courage and faced some of my deepest fears, such as quitting my job, reinventing myself and becoming an entrepreneur. Thanks to that and a therapeutic process, I was completely transformed. I started training in other areas and tools such as Marketing, Content Editing or Psychology, and I moved to La Coruña with my partner and my dog Eipril.
It was then, when I decided to become certified as a House Coach™ at the House Coaching Institute™ in the United States, in order to combine my passion and my profession to fulfill what I feel is my mission in life.
I am passionate and happy to improve the quality of life of my clients through Coaching and Interior Design.
Therefore, and thanks to my personal and professional background, my mission is to help you with empathy, creativity, honesty and sense of humor to connect with your essence, and give you all the tools to be able to design a space that reflects who you are, based on your personal preferences and what really fulfills you.
Only by looking within yourself, you will get to know what you need to change, why you need to change it and how to attract the well-being and harmony you are looking for, at any moment of your life. And remember, we only have one.
As a House Coach, I no longer conceive the design of a space in any other way than thinking about the person who will inhabit it and how they want to feel in it.
At least this is what I have been looking for all my life.
And I can finally tell you, happily, that I have found it.

Content strategy: build your brand from scratch, Laura Busche, Spain.
Introduction to Feng Shui, Cliff Tan, England.
Colourful Interior Design: styling homes with personality, Geraldine Tan, England.
Copywriting Essentials for Email Marketing Newsletters, Pam Neely, USA.
Certificate in House Coaching™, House Coaching™ Institute, USA.
Certificate in Advanced English (C1), Cambridge University Press & Assessment English, Spain.
Certificate in Russian (B1), Pushkin Russian Institute Foundation, Spain | Moscow.
Copywriting, Cálamo & Cran, Spain.
Professional Proofreading, Cálamo & Cran, Spain.
Applied Positive Psychology, European Institute of Positive Psychology, IEPP | La Salle, Spain.
Tools to analyze, decide and act, KIMAK, A Coruña (Spain).
Course 3Dstudio Max + VRay, 24Studio Lab, Spain.
Interior Architecture, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura UPM, Madrid, Spain.
Honorable Mention in Final Degree Project, Interior Architecture, Spain.
First Award in the National Competition of Ceramic Design Cevisama Lab. Issued by Cevisama and Polythecnic University of Madrid.