Create a home, not a trendy house.

House Coaching™ is a combination of Life Coaching and Interior Design, a new discipline that puts the focus on you and whose objective is to guide and help you design with a purpose: that you feel represented in your home and that your values are reflected, beyond the aesthetic or functional aspect of your space.

In addition to offering you a high quality service, it is a process that will change you, in one way or another, and that will give you tools for self-knowledge, management and design for life.

"The main objective of House Coaching is to break down the obstacles that its clients have imposed on themselves, so that they can achieve a fulfilling life through their homes."

- AXXIS Magazine (Architecture, Design and Decoration).

What it consists of?

The techniques of House Coaching™ or Coaching for your House serve to see what you really want and need to be happy in your space, and work on your limiting thoughts. That is, all the beliefs and mental judgments that limit you from decorating it and making it truly yours.

These limiting thoughts can block you from finishing a space, starting it, painting it the color you would like, or making it your haven. And this, in addition to causing frustration, insecurity or demotivation, prevents you from living as you would like to in your own home.

From there, with an open and liberated mind, I can start to elaborate your interior design proposal and give you specific House Coaching™ tools, which will help you to shape your own transformation process in your space.

Who needs House Coaching™

– You are bored with the life you lead and you need to make a change.

– You have had the same decoration for a long time and you would like to change it.

– You tend to buy a lot of things, but without a clear purpose.

– You are looking for a more personalized decoration that makes you feel good.

– You feel that you have evolved, but your home and your environment have not.

– You would like to feel better at home, more accompanied, recognized, useful, active?

– You want to reflect your personality in your space and express your feelings.

– You want to regain your space or your intimacy at home, or separate leisure and work.

– You would like to dedicate more time to yourself, disconnect, take up your hobbies…

– Sometimes you feel alone and have no one to share the good things that happen to you.

– You need your home to be aligned with your lifestyle and your goals.

– You want to help others, but without harming your own well-being.

– You want your family or partner to feel at home and represented.

– You value your time, feel at home and at peace with yourself.

– You are excited about designing your own space and see it as a creative challenge.

– You have a hard time deciding what to buy, how to fit it in or making decisions.

What this process give you

Well-being and happiness

We will identify what is important for you to feel comfortable and happy in your space, what blocks you from making decisions, what goals you want to achieve and what you need it to bring to you at all levels.

Identity and belonging

To feel that you belong in your space and that it tells something about you and your story, it is essential that it reflects your style and your personality. That it speaks to who you really are.

Ideas and tools

Once you know what defines you and what the purpose of the change is, I will give you ideas, tools and tips so that you know how to make it happen and so that perfectionism, fear or insecurity do not paralyze you.

Organization, time and habits

Having a home aligned with your lifestyle requires making changes to encourage other habits that bring you wellness. Sometimes it’s not a matter of time, but how you use it.

It's not your home, is what you think about it.

What you think is projected onto your space. For example, chaos and clutter are a clear indicator that you feel disconnected from your space, while lack of color may be due to a repression of your personality for fear of regret or judgment.

By identifying it and working on it, you will feel a liberation that will be reflected in your space, and in other aspects of your life. But the only way to change it is to question what you think so that what you feel and the way you act is different.