What if we grow up together?
I love the way technology allows us to communicate and relate to each other, and I believe that, once we have crossed paths (even through the internet), we are a little more connected (even through internet), we are a little more connected.

Interior design or architecture studios

Schools, universities, companies...
Give them a real home
If you are looking to offer added value to your customers, contact me and I will let you know how we can do it.
"House Coaching va más allá de decoración de interiores: es una manera de
reformar el hogar para sentirse mejor dentro de él".
- Nueva Mujer Magazine.
Choose how to connect
Topics I can address:
- Workspaces and well-being.
- Improving productivity through spaces.
- How our spaces influence our daily life and emotions.
- How to access our creativity and express it to solve any challenge.
- Ending suffering at work.
- Connecting with purpose as an organization.
Events, workshops...
Topics I can address:
- Emotional, physical and mental well-being at home.
- Become aware of your limiting thoughts.
- Relationship between people, prejudices and spaces.
- The home as a refuge and energy charger.
- Healing through spaces (divorce, loss, motherhood, loneliness…).
Pódcast, lives, rrss...
Topics I can address:
- My story: from interior designer to House Coach.
- What is House Coaching and what impact it can have on your life.
- Awareness of the spaces we inhabit.
- Discovering our own style.
- Limiting thoughts: people, prejudices and spaces.
Be authentic and your print will be deep
Besides being the 1st official certified House Coach in Spain, and an interior designer by profession, I consider myself an honest, charismatic, motivational, sensitive and fun person.
I love to speak and I have done it many times, from university lectures to small group talks, videos for social networks, corporate presentations, speeches or group exhibitions.
Whatever the medium or the situation, I am passionate about relating and interacting with empathy, transparency and a sense of humor, so that the experience is unique and the impression is indelible.