Improve your life through your home.
I am Laura, Interior Architect and the 1st official certified House Coach™ in Spain, specialized in creating wellness spaces with purpose, style and personality.
From my own experience, I believe that there is a direct connection between our lives and the space we live in, and that transforming that space is the first step to making great personal transformations.
That is why, through House Coaching™ , a discipline created by Kirsten Steno, which goes beyond traditional interior design, I help you to make a positive change in your life through your spaces.
I am Laura, an interior architect and the 1st official certified House Coach™ in Spain, specialized in creating spaces with purpose, style and personality.
From my own experience, I believe that there is a direct connection between our lives and the space we live in, and that transforming that space is the first step to making great personal transformations.
That is why, through House Coaching™ , a discipline created by Kirsten Steno, which goes beyond traditional interior design, I help you to make a positive change in your life through your spaces.
"We can feel homeless in our own home".
- Kirsten Steno, founder of House Coaching™.
Your home says it all about you
What happens inside and outside your home, throughout your life, has a profound impact on how you think, how you feel (physically and mentally) and what your energy is like.
House Coaching™ helps you identify everything that’s going on inside your space (and your mind) and unblock it, so you can increase your creativity, reflect your essence and get what you really need in your life, inside and outside your home.
Because creating a home that you connect with and flow with, changes you physically, mentally and emotionally. And, when you change, everything else changes.

How can I help you
House Coaching™
Coaching for your space
Online sessions to go with you in your transformation process so that your space brings you what you need.
Interior design and architecture
Workshops and meetings
Schools, centers and companies
"Creating a balanced, sustainable and energetic home is the goal of House Coaching, the approach that combines interior design with therapeutic techniques.".
- El Tiempo Magazine.
Make your home evolve with you
When you are aware of what has been blocking you and accompanying you all your life, and you unblock it, a world of possibilities opens up that you will automatically want to capture in your space.
Having a home aligned with your values requires introducing small changes in your daily life that will make you feel in control of your time and your space. And this coherence between what you want, what you feel and what you need will solve many of your problems and allow you to live a fuller life in every way.
¿Why choose a House Coach™?
Because designing a space is not easy, especially when you have never been taught how to do it.
Through a guided transformation process you will discover how you really want your home to be and how you would like to feel in it.

Enjoy your valuable time
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